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223. Alignment and Release Overlay TALL Cup [03/11/2024]

This session covers..

In May we will feel a physical amp up. In March we will feel the prep for the amp up. The body may shut down. It is hard on the kidneys and adrenals, and trigger fear. Impacts the endocrine system.

  • Soul rider, reference a dimension where you are calm, centered, still, safe, suspended, supported vibrational state. This helps you flow here.
  • Pushing creates contraction, not flow.
  • Witness yourself in that safe dimension. Allow your fields to expand.
  • I am being in flow in another dimension.
  • We are going through an evolutionary leap, perhaps for 100s of years to come.
  • Old ways of stabilization are falling away. We have the support of the New Moon yesterday, which makes the process of release more gentle.
  • We are bringing in a new energetic grid of support for the body. It will exist for thousands of years.
  • Body, release old support mechanisms and gently release old root structures that no longer work for you.
  • Body, reference the new support mechanisms coming in.
  • Soul rider, you are likely to be from the future. You have come back here sharing information to assist the planetary leap. Reference the time continuum where you are from.  Send information to your body of where you are from. Calibrate your expectations appropriately for your mission.
  • Body is struggling because it puts its energy too far into the future, trying to match its soul rider.
  • Body, receive information from soul rider of where it is from in time.
  • Body, calibrate your fields for the present moment, the present pulse of now, not for the future. Access the focus to receive and create in the present breath of now.
  • Overlay:
  • The next week we will be releasing energetically.
  • One thing to release is an “overlay.” Someone’s energy overlaying your energetic fields. You draw their situations to you that you are not calibrated for.
  • Energetic protocol to release overlays in your fields.

This session is supportive, empowering, and has 12 layers, which means you can listen 12 times if you wish, or just once.

Your desires and intuition are your best guide.

Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing.

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