Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

65. Light, Clear, and Calm TALL Cup [02/23/2015]

Get light, clean, clearing, and calm. You will feel a palpable lightness from this session. A great session to release the limitations in all areas of your life.

  • Release grounding our base chakra with groups that have a consciousness that doesn’t match your evolving awareness
  •  Ask Gaia to support your body deva to come back into the enlightened nature kingdom
  • Invite your body deva to ask for and allow additional support from the angelic realms during its awakening process
  • Work with your body deva and Gaia to find a tone or frequency that dissolves toxicity and keeps your microbes in balance as you move through the evolutionary process
  • Allow Earth to support your body deva to create a process map for the evolutionary journey so that your body deva feels safe and secure and can release fear of the journey
  • Invite your body deva to release all lessons that do not belong to it from ancestors or any other source
  • Invite your body deva to activate the sacred geometric shape of its mastery
  • Invite your higher self to release expectations of its abilities in the higher realms and accept the denser experience of the material realms to allow release of the self-critic
  • Balance and stabilize all electrical and magnetic frequencies in chakras, microbes, crystalline structures, recalibrating protection mechanisms in greater states of awakening.

There are 12 layers in this session. Which means you can listen 12 times if you wish. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing.Allow for integration in dream time.

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Comments & Discussion

Thank you so much Aleya. I did this cup and the exercise for attaching the divine line to my spine and I did indeed sleep which has been difficult lately since I'm in the middle of menopause.
March 1st 2015