Release, Clear, Repair, Recalibrate

7 minute audio meditations to help you release unhealthy patterns and behaviors. Re-pattern yourself with healthy vibrations. Repair and heal.

Prepare for Summer Solstice & Allow for a Purification

Prepare for Solstice with this Cup and weave a new vibrational way of being.

As you cleanse, clear, and release prior to an energetic activation, bring more consciousness awareness to your purification process. It will make it a little easier. 
Take time to do something to help your body cleanse and cleanse your space also. (Thus, the sage stick.)

  • Reference a dimension where you are going through an energetic purification process.
  • Reference the element that you are using in your purification process. 
  • Are you using fire, water, earth, air, ether, or metal?

   If you are using fire, you may be feeling anger or irritation.

   If you are using water, you may be feeling weepy or have nasal discharge.

   If you are using Earth, you may be feeling fatigue.

   If you are using air, you may feel spacey and ungrounded.

   If you are using metal, your mind may be overly active.

  • Hold a conscious energetic awareness of this purification process.
  • Reference how some part of you is also weaving a new harmonic gird with threads of light.
  • Tones to assist you as you purify and prepare for an energetic activation on Solstice.

Hold conscious energetic awareness as you go through a purification process.

Use this class to help you clear body challenges and issues.

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Comments & Discussion

Thank you,, it is perfect!
June 20th 2022
Feeling grounded and inspired. Thank you 🙏
June 20th 2022
Beautiful, thank you!
June 20th 2022
Deep gratitude.
June 20th 2022
Thank you
June 20th 2022