Timely Meditations, Mercury Retrograde

7 minute audio meditations to help you balance in certain energetic shifts and planetary cycles. Meditations for Mercury Retrograde.

Reflect and Set New Moon Intentions

Happy New Moon!

Use today's favorite new Moon Cup to embrace a vibrational stance that deeply supports you.

Embrace the new cycle by moving into the appropriate energetic stance using sacred shapes, sounds, energetic codes, and light. 

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and your Teams to reference a dimension where you can bring sacred shapes, sounds, and light that help you determine the appropriate energetic stance that supports you in this new lunar cycle.
  • Spin the shapes, sounds, light, and energetic codes around you.
  • Hold an appropriate vibration that supports your new Moon intentions.
  • Light language and toning to assist you in moving into the appropriate vibration.
  • Use sacred shapes, sound, and light to move into the appropriate vibration that supports a fresh new start.

Use the powerful energy of the new lunar cycle to start fresh and get fired up. :) In a good way

For more support sip on this weeks TALL Cup session.

Someone said it was one of the best TALL Cups in the last 13 years. lol

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Comments & Discussion

So soothing and beautiful. I saw the work in the Higher Realms so clearly with this meditation, thank you Aleya!!
June 7th 2024
Happy new moon, healing and heading into summer heat!
June 6th 2024
timely and beautiful
June 6th 2024