One on One Session with a 7 Cups of Consciousness Practitioner

Each practitioner has studied with Aleya exclusively for 3 years or more. They have each completed 2 year intensive practitioner training with Aleya as well as being coached on utilizing the protocols in their one on one sessions.

Winslow Vail

Tools To Empower You and Your Child to Flourish

For Parents


Do You…

Feel overwhelmed and burned out?

Feel unsupported?

Worry about your child constantly?

Feel like you could be a better parent but do not have the energy?


Imagine Feeling…

Calm and Grounded

Inspired and Fulfilled

Supported and Confident


Transform Your Life Now

You’re tired of living life for everyone but yourself. You’re carrying the world on your shoulders, and you’re drained. You’re ready to learn tools that empower you to gracefully navigate any challenge, pursue your goals, and create a fulfilling and magical life. Now is the perfect time to make positive shifts that enhance your well-being, happiness, and calm. Gift yourself a FREE session with me and learn efficient and powerful tools to transform your daily life.

How It Works: 

You will experience a safe, gentle, and compassionate space where you will be deeply validated.

Learn concepts, perspectives, and processes to make the positive shifts you desire.

Cultivate a lovely inner world so that you always feel supported, calm, and fulfilled.

For Children


Does Your Child Feel...

Very sensitive

Anxious or insecure

Responsible for other people's happiness

Alone and different

Super emotional

What If Your Child Felt...

Confident and secure

Calm and at ease

Motivated and engaged

Emotionally balanced


Help Your Child Now

Your child is struggling, and you are worried about them. You may have tried many things and read many books, but you're unsure how to support them. If you want to help your child become a healthy, strong, and resilient human being, now is the perfect time for them to learn simple, practical, and effective tools that will serve them for life. My sessions are designed to nurture and develop your child into a confident, calm, and connected adult who can thrive in our complex world. 

Gift your child a FREE session with me today.

Is This Truly Possible?

Yes! I was also a sensitive and anxious child and teen. I tried to please everyone around me, felt burdened by other people's pain and suffering, and experienced a lot of insecurity and self-doubt. It was hard, and I didn't have the tools to navigate these challenges. Thankfully, when I was 17, I had my first coaching session with Aleya Dao. It was such a relief! Suddenly, I could rely on a skill set that helped me become confident, calm, and empowered in every situation. This is why I am so passionate about teaching children and parents these transformational tools.


How It Works: 

By emotionally validating your child's emotions and guiding them through gentle processes that I started learning as a teen, I will coach your child on how to develop a strong sense of self-worth, feel safe, calm, and connected internally, become emotionally aware and competent, and resolve challenges using various concepts, perspectives, and tools.

My Story:

Growing up, I didn’t have the tools to navigate school, friends, and family confidently. I was very sensitive, and the outer world often crushed me. When my classmates got in trouble, I experienced it as my pain. I compared myself to my peers, suppressed my emotions, and was anxious. I thought what I did in the outer world would make me feel happy, calm, and inspired, but the more I looked externally, the more anxious and disconnected I felt. When I was 17, I had my first coaching session with Aleya. It was a game-changer! She taught me how to reference my self-worth, calm, and fulfillment internally using a simple yet profound skill set. These tools are my trusty anchor that work no matter how stormy the weather. I use them daily and wish I could have learned them as a child. 


My Training:

For the last 12 years, I have worked extensively with children and families in the US, Dominican Republic, Mexico, and India, designing and running empowerment programs. I hold a B.A. in International Studies and Education from Middlebury College in Vermont. I have trained for five years with Douglas Noll in Emotional Competency and Affect Labeling and have worked and studied with Aleya Dao for 17 years. I play the violin and am fluent in Spanish. Alongside coaching adults and children, I run a magical business sending weekly fairy letters to recipients of all ages worldwide.

You can book one free introductory session with one practitioner on the platform.

If you have already worked with this practitioner, you are not eligible for a free introductory session.

(You can't book one free introductory session with multiple practitioners, just one.)

30 minute Session: $65.00
1 hour Session: $155.00
Free 30 min. Introductory Session: $0.00

I felt so keenly seen by Winslow. There was no doubt that she “got” my issue in all necessary aspects. I loved the way she crafted a magical protocol for my hand. Do work with her, her energy is so PURE!
K.D. 07/28/2022
Winslow has the ability to deeply listen and help children connect with their essence and magic.
Aleya Dao 06/19/2022
Working with Winslow allowed me to have the space to explore and amplify my magic, freedom, and creative energy by feeling it swirling and whirling in another dimension more. She has an extraordinary gift of validating the emotions and the experience and feeling deeply heard. I recommend Winslow for any child and parent who are wanting to amplify and utilize their creative expression and other qualities and be deeply validated.
Nina 04/25/2022
Winslow holds a very safe and loving space which invites a vulnerability necessary for awareness to arise.
Laurie S 04/02/2022
30 minute Session: $65.00
1 hour Session: $155.00
Free 30 min. Introductory Session: $0.00

Winslow's Mastery
Coaching Parents & Children
Winslow's Interview with Aleya