One on One Session with a 7 Cups of Consciousness Practitioner

Each practitioner has studied with Aleya exclusively for 3 years or more. They have each completed 2 year intensive practitioner training with Aleya as well as being coached on utilizing the protocols in their one on one sessions.

Laurie Stark

Awakening to your Essence

Cultivate the awareness needed to live in alignment with your Higher Self. Tap into the deep wisdom and knowing that you carry within. Remember the truth and beauty of who you are and be free to live the life you have longed to live.

Have you worked hard to heal, grow, transform and evolve and yet still struggle with how to stay grounded and aligned in your daily life? Have you felt a longing to remember who you are and to live from that place? Do you struggle to integrate the reality of your Divine Nature into your daily human existence? Do you ever feel like you are experiencing the pain of the world, desperately wanting to relieve the suffering?

What if you could be free from these struggles, and from the loneliness, confusion and self-doubt that comes from forgetting who you are and being caught in the illusion of separation? What if you knew how to live in alignment with your true authentic Self? What if you knew how to stay connected to your own Spiritual Source, your own Healing Power, meeting all your needs from deep within your core? What if you knew how to hold a strong coherent field, releasing empathic sensations and modeling the solution instead of feeling the pain of others. What if you knew how to experience Divine Unconditional Love in every cell of your Being all the time?

As you work with me, you will find a safe and sacred space to explore what it is that keeps you from remembering who you are. We will tenderly embrace those aspects until all resistance to standing in your Light is released. With exquisite attention and deep listening the truth of your inherent wholeness will be held as you journey to self -empowerment and self-love. We will call on your Guides, Angels and Beings of Love and Light to encircle you and offer guidance. We will not settle for answers based on theories, ideas or practices that are currently popular or that seem like they “should” fit the situationInstead, we will explore and wait until the clarity is pure and the guidance resonates with your heart and knowing.

My own life has offered many opportunities to awaken to my true Essence, journeying through each of the struggles and emotions referenced above. I have raised five children (almost, the last one is 16!), while at the same time learning, growing and serving in a wide range of roles. I have worked and played in the wholistic and alternative healing field for over thirty years, drawing on my intuitive skills, teaching and holding space for people to step into their Light. Focused now as a Gestalt certified coach, certified mindfulness meditation teacher, and Seven Cups of Consciousness practitioner, I bring all I have learned throughout these years to each session.  

Join me in sacred conversation and Remember Your Magnificence.

You can book one free introductory session with one practitioner on the platform.

If you have already worked with this practitioner you are not eligable for a free introductory session.

(You can't book one free introductory session with multiple practitioners, just one.)

75 minutes: $185.00
45 minutes: $105.00

It is so easy to feel safe and be vulnerable with Laurie, because her heart is so very open and full.
K.D. 11/09/2022
You have a beautiful and masterful way of listening, and asking simple questions that created the perfect container for our deep energetic work. Thank you.
N.L. 11/09/2022
Laurie possesses a stillness and ease thats creates a centered clear connection for self-exploration and forward movement.

A 10/08/2022
Laurie holds the safest space to be able to go to the deepest levels of vulnerability to access old covered up answers to deep wounds.
DP 10/08/2022
Laurie is very intuitive and she is a wonderful clairaudient. Her background from Gestalt Therapy enables the client to see the whole picture about the challenge and client sees the root just by pondering the questions Laurie asks.
M 10/08/2022
75 minutes: $185.00
45 minutes: $105.00

Introduction Video