One on One Session with a 7 Cups of Consciousness Practitioner

Each practitioner has studied with Aleya exclusively for 3 years or more. They have each completed 2 year intensive practitioner training with Aleya as well as being coached on utilizing the protocols in their one on one sessions.

Jenna Wilson

Change in life can be intimidating, even when it's something we are chosing for ourselves, and especially when it is something being imposed from the outside, that we haven't chosen. It is easy to fall into overwhelm, collapse, and a "why me?" mentality.

And yet change is also an incredible opportunity to re-pattern that which no longer serves you, so you can move forward in life feeling grounded, empowered, and aligned with your soul's greatest purpose.

As a mother, a widow, a midwife, and an avid student of nature, I am intimately familiar with the many aspects of change. I've learned energetic protocols and tools for finding the divine purpose of change, even when it's something as unthinkable as unexpectedly losing a beloved partner. 

Like a marble statue, your true self already exists underneath the patterns created to survive. When met with tools of resiliance, change can be the chisel that chips away the extra. Let's find the masterpiece beneath so that you can live a glorious life of peace, joy, abundance, connection, and any other intention that your soul desires. 

Our time together can feel like a gentle breeze of fresh air, like a deep cleaning of your soul, or anything in between!

You will leave each session with a greater sense of trust, freedom, purpose, and safety.

75 minute One On One Session: $185.00
45 minute One on One Session : $85.00
Free 30 min. Introductory Session: $0.00

My session with Jenna took me by surprise. What a blessing! By the time we finished, my mind, body and soul were at peace. I received visions of clarity and understanding about why a certain pattern in my life was playing out. I also received the gift of grounding. She brought forth energetic elements that were new to me and allowed my body to settle into a sense of trust and security. Thank you, Jenna!
Stephanie M. 05/22/2023
Jenna is a wonderful healer and guide. She was able to hold a really stable space for me to explore my feelings and be guided through a very challenging and transformational time in my life. She is able to see through words that skim the surface and dive into a deeper meaning and pattern underneath. From that knowing, she communicates those patterns in helpful and graceful ways that gently moved me to new insight and understanding. Her gifts are rare and I truly appreciate her wisdom, intuition, and guidance in traversing the depths and helping me to get to a new and more integrated state of mind and being.
J.O. 11/25/2022
My sessions with with Jenna have been really helpful to making needed, lasting shifts. She has been able to see the energetic roots of my issues and lead me to new insights. Once when I didn’t have a specific goal in mind, she sensed something I was not acknowledging and brought it to light. I have worked privately with Aleya many times in the past, and have been pleased to discover that working with someone new can be effective and supportive in the same ways.
Nicole 11/20/2022
I am impressed with Jenna’s many gifts, to say the least. She creates and holds an exquisitely safe and supportive space. When I initially met with Jenna I was in a state of turmoil. Her warmth and compassion gave me room to share the most intimate and tender details of my life and to express my intense emotions fully. Jenna listens at a deep level; I feel heard. Jenna shares fresh and insightful perspectives that cause me to pause and reflect. She crafts protocols with vivid imagery that tap into my core issues. With Jenna, I am able to enter into deeply altered states of consciousness where I am most receptive to her modeling right energy. At the end of my very first session with her, I experienced a palpable shift in energy—I felt at peace. I look forward to her continued guidance on my spiritual journey.
JS 11/13/2022
Working with Jenna feels connected, supported, and and calm.
Anonymous 09/13/2022
75 minute One On One Session: $185.00
45 minute One on One Session : $85.00
Free 30 min. Introductory Session: $0.00

Jenna's Intro Video
Jenna's Intro Audio