Balance and Calm

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find balance, calm and connection.

Equinox Balance and Power

Happy Fall Equinox! Celebrate Equinox by moving into balance and embracing your inner power.

The equinox is a powerful and magical time that can help you increase awareness, balance, power, and connection.

Explore the idea that being balanced moves you into greater inner power.

Use the energy of Equinox to amplify the inner balance and reflect that balance into all areas of your life.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Reference the alignment of the Sun, the Moon, and the Season that we are moving into.
  • Reference a dimension where you can reweave a vibrational fabric or balance within and around you using the energy of the Equinox to move into greater inner balance.
  • Reweave your own vibrational fabric of balance.
  • Amplify the vibration of balance in your divine cosmic loop.
  • Awaken to balance in another dimension and reflect that to you here.
  • Reference a current of power in your divine line.
  • Open and embrace your vertical stream of power.
  • Weave a vibrational fabric within and around you that helps you embrace your power more.
  • Toning and light language to help you move into greater balance and power.
  • Awaken and actualize a more balanced and empowered way of being.

Celebrate the Equinox by moving into greater balance which then becomes your power.

For greater, deeper support, get the Safety Harmonic Reweave TALL Cup...Increase Safety, Support, and Connection or join me for the Next TALL Cups of Consciousness session.

Audio Sample


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Comments & Discussion

Your toning filled my BD with sublime energy that rippled all the way to my fingertips and toes.. The calm that I'm feeling right now is so welcomed after breathing smoke for days. Sinking into present moment - so sweet!
September 22nd 2021
Happy Equinox! What a beautiful recording and reminder of how this life is a reflection....from our divine spark!
September 22nd 2021