Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Be Fulfilled By the Light That Flows Within You

This Cup is a beautiful daily practice.  When you are fulfilled by the light that flows within you, you create a life of fulfillment. 

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Feel into your desire to live a life that is fulfilling.
  • When you look for your fulfillment internally you reflect that level of fulfillment into all areas of your life.
  • Lift all of your reference points for fulfillment off of everything in the outer world.
  • Hold your reference points for fulfillment in your divine line.
  • Amplify a current of fulfillment in the divine cosmic loop of you, your body, and Teams.
  • Sit in this vertical current of fulfillment.
  • Light language and toning to help you amplify the vibration of fulfillment in your divine line.

You are fulfilled by the light that flows within you.

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Comments & Discussion

These meditations really touched my heart! The background music was very soothing to me. Thank you Aleya!
February 7th 2021
Beatiful content. Love the background music.
February 3rd 2021
Thank you so much for all your feedback.
February 1st 2021
Karyn DoveHawk
I love the content but the background music didn’t soothe and offer expansion (tones too high and going in and out). Anyone else feel that?
February 1st 2021
Sooo delicious 😋 and as always, perfect! Thank you Aleya 💗
February 1st 2021
Absolutely lovely 💕
February 1st 2021
Excellent question. What is the peice that is ready to shift at this time that will positively impact me in a beautiful and profound way?
Thank you for this. I will ponder will courage and curiosity as suggested.
February 1st 2021