Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Increase Trust, Calm, and Clarity

MovE into calm and side-step the chaotic current with this Cup.

Use this potent Cup to increase trust in your divine light, calm in your body, and clarity in your Team. This meditation is a bit different. It is energetic protocols interwoven through toning and light language.

Feel free to share your feedback and experience.

  • Activate the vibration of trust in your divine line.
  • Activate the vibration of calm in your body's divine line.
  • Activate the vibration of clarity in your Team's divine line.
May you, your body, and Team hold vibrations of trust, calm, and clarity as you move through this process.


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Comments & Discussion

Third chakra work is so helpful
April 15th 2021
Beautiful and just what I need today. Thank you Aleya and Team.
April 15th 2021