Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Sound Healing & Protocol to Clear Your Head

Use this fresh Cup to clear your head.

When you invite some energetic aspect of you to reference a dimension that is clear, your head clears.

When you take distance you gain clarity.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite some energetic aspect of you to reference a dimension where you can find clarity.
  • Toning and light language to help you reference a realm that is clear.
  • Open to receive energetic information in that clear realm.
  • Reflect that clarity in that higher dimension to you here.
  • Take 20,000 steps back, up, or in which gives you distance, which gives you clarity.

Distance gives you clarity.

How does this Cup feel for you?

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Comments & Discussion

Karyn DoveHawk
So helpful with these super foggy days… I’m so affected by the weather!
August 30th 2021
Simply wonderful
August 30th 2021
Beautiful and relaxing, very nice clearing, The toning is amazing and beautiful and clearing
August 30th 2021
This cup feels expansive and soothing. I'm experiencing a broadening lightness and yes, more clarity and a sense of ease 😌. Thank you 💕
August 30th 2021