Addictions and Release Behaviors

Download 7 minute audio energetic healing meditations for healing addictions, increase self love, inner strength. Let go of the self critique and unhealthy behavior.

Access a Higher Vibrational Realm

Use this Cup to access a higher vibrational realm as we experience energetic downloads. As the energetic downloads increase, you can get top-heavy, head-achy, spacey, and ungrounded. This Cup can help those sensations. The physical dimension consists of multiple layers. Each layer in the physical realm holds a specific consciousness and vibration. As we evolve we slowly move up vibrationally. The higher a vibration we hold the higher vibrational realm/layer we will then express ourselves in.

  • Energetically locate the higher vibrational downloads.
  • As that energetic aspect of you energetically locates these downloads we ask that an appropriate sacred geometric hologram is placed around you.
  • Invite the hologram to work with your energetic fields to help you move into a higher vibrational realm that is still in the physical realm.
May you have a deep knowing and connection with the higher realms.


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