
7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find clarity in all areas of your life. Find direction and purpose.

Clean Out

Use energy to get clean and clear. This is a perfect time to organize and simplify. Clean out the closets, let go of old thought forms, release the behaviors that do not serve you as well as relationships that are abusive. Some part of you (your Higher Self) is locating the energy and behaviors that do not serve you and gently letting them go. Keep your awareness on your divine line, for that is real and will never go away. Keep locating yourself internally instead of on your beliefs, behaviors, or identities.

  • Locate the current of energy that is coming onto the planet that has the capacity to help you clean and clear your energetic fields of all that no longer serves you.
  • Imagine standing under a waterfall of light which gently dissolves all energies that are not your up and off of you.
  • Release the consciousness of lack.
  • Tone the sound of EEEE to clean and clear your energy fields.
  • Bring in the vibration of your divine identity and personality.
  • Bring in your more evolved consciousness.

May you gracefully release all that no longer serves you.

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Comments & Discussion

loved the tones of eeeee, guess I needed this one. Thank you, Michele
June 10th 2014
Oh yes! I'm just beginning the cleening of my home for my birthday tomorrow, so this was perfect for clearing my mind and thoughts that are wandering all about! Thank you Aleya, blessings.
June 10th 2014
I am sitting amidst a pile of papers, folders and assorted b.s.! Yay! This one is helpful with this long overdue clearing physically as well as energetically! Thnx!
June 10th 2014