
7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find clarity in all areas of your life. Find direction and purpose.

Quiet the Mind and Use the Higher Realms To Find Clarity and Solutions
Use this Cup/protocol to help you find clarity regarding particular situations in the physical realm. When you use the higher realms...
$3.00 USD
Sound Healing & Protocol to Clear Your Head
Use this fresh Cup to clear your head. When you invite some energetic aspect of you to reference a dimension that...
$3.00 USD
Tend To Your Own Path
This Cup is to help you tend to your own path. When you energetically tend to your own path you embody...
$3.00 USD
Practicing the Basics
Come back to the basics with this Cup - no matter how evolved you are. Use this Cup to practice the...
$3.00 USD
Third Eye, Base Chakra, Protected Stance
Use this Cup to protect your third eye, get centered, grounded, and calm...Hold your awareness in harmonic realms and, stay...
$3.00 USD
Peace, Clarity, and Calm Within
This is a lovely simple Cup to help you move into greater peace, clarity, and calm. When you move into a...
$3.00 USD
Amplify Safety Inside
Use this potent Cup to amplify the safety within.  The more safety you hold inside the calmer you will be in...
$1.50 USD
Let Go of the Grip or the Bracing and Move Into The Flow of the Now
Use this Cup to move into the breath of now... let go of the grip or the bracing of what...
$1.50 USD
Reference One Quality That Can Support You In This New Lunar Cycle
Use this Cup to drop in and go for the simple, streamlined approach for the new lunar cycle. As you move into...
$1.50 USD
Reset Your Intentions For this Incarnation
Do a re-do with this Cup. Shift your stance of how you hold yourself in this incarnation. Reset your intention as...
$3.00 USD
Increase Inspiration and Creativity As You Embrace a New Lunar Cycle
This Cup can help you reference where you are holding your inspiration, passion, and creativity. As you evolve your vibration shifts. As...
$3.00 USD
Empowered Conscious Empathic Dreaming
Use this Cup to help you use your dreamtime to hold a more empowered stance as you dream and work...
$3.00 USD
Reorganize and Recalibrate Your Grids 5/16/22
Yesterday's full Moon total lunar eclipse coupled with Mercury retrograde created an energetic reweaving in the higher realms. More specifically a...
$3.00 USD
Hold a Supportive Stance During Your Journey
Move into an even more supportive and empowered stance with every aspect of your life with this potent Cup. When you...
$3.00 USD
Make a Small Profound Vibrational Shift
Make a simple yet profound vibrational shift inside yourself that ripples into all areas of your life with this Cup. This...
$3.00 USD
Conscious & Complete Release Last Day of Lunar Cycle
The energy on the last day of the lunar cycle is all about the release, the let-go of the old. Use...
$3.00 USD
Find Freedom Internally
Use this Cup to find more freedom inside yourself. When you find your freedom internally you are then able to perceive...
$3.00 USD
Alignment, Clarity, and Wisdom Angelic Transmission
Get clarity with your inner lens with today's Cup. Take a moment to get above it all and breathe. Use this energetic...
$3.00 USD
Ground, Balance, Stabilize, Repair the Energy Fields of You, Your Body, and Team
This Cup is a mini-balancing session. Take time to reset and re-balance yourself.Increase balance, stabilize, and ground the energy fields of...
$3.00 USD
Embrace this New Lunar Cycle From a Place of Safety, Support, and Calm, Release the Fear
Use this Cup to embrace the new lunar cycle holding a sense of flow, safety, support, calm, and clarity. This Cup...
$3.00 USD
Align the Crystalline Structures for the Light Activations
If you feel destabilized and unsettled during vibrational shifts use this mini-balancing session Cup to move into alignment and balance. When...
$3.00 USD
Use the Light to Release the Grey Heavy Discordant Energy
If you feel a little blah, or uninspired, or not clear, use this potent Cup and the light streaming onto...
$3.00 USD
Soul Rider Meditate In Your World
Recalibrate yourself by meditating in a dimension/ a realm, a world that feels like home with this Cup. You are an...
$3.00 USD
Light Light Cleaning and Retrieval of Life Force
If you have been feeling a wee bit tired, this Cup helps to clean your energetic fields with a vibrational liquid...
$3.00 USD