Compassion, Love, Self-Love

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find compassion, release the judgment, and quiet the critic.

Use Dreamtime to Heal, Reconnect, and Remember Your Essence

This Cup is a bedtime cup.

Listen right before bed or when you are in bed about to fall asleep.

This cup can help you use dreamtime to heal, rest, and remember your essence.

This is a powerful practice to help also cultivate a deep sense of self love.

When you wake in the morning notice if you feel a shift inside yourself.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite you Soul rider to reference a dimension where you can deeply rest, restore, and remember your essence.
  • Invite your body to reference a dimension where it can deeply heal, rest, restore, and remember its essence.
  • Invite your Team to reference a dimension where they can deeply rest, restore, and remember their essence.
  • Prior to awakening in the morning update your reference points and bring your energy and awareness back to the divine line/spine.

Use dreamtime to rest, restore, and deeply remember your essence.

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December 3rd 2022
Thanks Aleya 🌍🌟
December 2nd 2022