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110. Enlightened Body Healing with the Whales TALL Cup [09/18/2017]

This session is soothing, calming and very healing. 

  • Whales are the galactic library, holding their energy in the oceans to infuse the water with higher frequencies. Whales and dolphins are master sound healers. Move into a slow, deep, receptive space.
  • Invite your body deva’s higher self to locate the dimensional plane where you have the capacity to receive healing sounds from the cetaceans on this planet, and connect with the cetaceans and other healing nature spirits to allow a deep healing to take place.
  • Invite your body deva’s higher self to reconnect with the higher dimensional pulse that will keep it whole and healthy.
  • 70% of body challenges do not belong to the body. Invite your body deva’s higher self to identify any belief systems, behaviors, discordant vibrations picked up from another body deva or soul in any incarnation, and release these bundles, return them back to their right and perfect place along with all relevant information. Release responsibility for transforming these bundles that are not yours.
  • Many body deva’s do not feel worthy of having what it wants. Invite your body deva to connect its divine line and recognize it as part of the divine line of earth. You are a nature spirit and have access to all the resources on earth. Feel connected to the whole of Earth.
  • Body deva release apathy, rigidity, fear, doubt, rigidity, because it prevents conscious evolution, and creates disconnectedness. Reconnect your grids to the earth grids. Release despair and dis empowerment that impacts the third chakra.
  • Lift control and creativity off of all other souls or body devas, clean and clear it, and bring it back to you. Hold that creative current for yourself and re-pattern the crystalline structures and microbes.
  • Dolphins and whales say the veils between realms are getting thinner daily for six months. New ways of being and reinventing yourself and exploring new possibilities you couldn’t imagine will come to you. Adjust your plan on a vibrational level, using your higher self.
  • Determine what your heart is most calibrated for. Connect with advisors to adjust your plan accordingly. Determine your vibrational consciousness to find yourself and match with needed resources so you can serve in a healthy, co-creative way.
  • Go back to your prep room before this incarnation and connect with Aleya and your guides and set your way of being for using your higher self energies to guide your life, only responsible for yourself, no one else. Reflect that yourself in every developmental stage.
  • Invite your body deva to calibrate its fields in a way that is healthy and co-creative, and only attached to its own energy in its own divine line prior to its formation in the womb. Keep the earth as your primary reference, not biological parents.
  • Learn to receive your light vertically and reflect it horizontally for optimal manifesting of your essence on all levels.
This session has 10 layers, which means you can listen 10 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.

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