Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

155. Calm, Clear, and Connected TALL Cup [04/20/2020]

Calm, Clear, and Connected TALL Cup


  • Big Deep Clearing
  • Very Cleansing
  • Incredibly Supportive
  • Clear Fear
  • Help Digestion
  • Increase Resources
  • Amplify ability to receive support and nourishment on all levels


This session covers..


  • Old fabric grid that affects the liver/gallbladder, connected with headaches fabric of fear in human psyche for eons. Used to serve discernment and increase safety. Using fear is discordant.
  • You have evolved and are able to use a new way of staying safe.
  • Feel into the vibration of fear held in the solar plexus. Have you outgrown this mechanism? Keep what is still serving you. Release mass consciousness and ancestor and survival fear fabric that no longer serves.
  • Reference your new consciousness of divine connection. Clean and clear the third chakraof fear that no longer serves.
  • Activate the vibrations of clarity, discernment, and safety in your divine line and your divine cosmic loop.
  • An enhanced experience of safety supports the immune system.
  • Body deva, calibrate crystalline structures of the etheric small intestine with the sun, moon, appropriate elementals and the heart of Earth to be in flow.
  • Soul rider feel into your mastery at your heart chakra level. Reveal this vibration to your body deva.
  • Body deva receive the mastery information from your soul rider. Calibrate the energy of your divine line at your second chakra to draw the abundant resources into your field to allow your soul rider to express your mastery.
  • Shift your intestinal psyche to attune to your deepest desires.
  • Body and soul rider, hold your light equally throughout your divine lines and enhance communication between the 2 divine lines to receive more light internally and vertically.
  • In moments of lack, reach for more light vertically internally. Be gentle and slow and steady.
  • Use the next four weeks to unplug from media, go within and find the powerful light that contains your wisdom and mastery.
This session is supportive, empowering, and has 15 layers, which means you can listen 15 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.


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Comments & Discussion

Really powerful session. Thank you!
April 27th 2020
Thank You Aleya! So grateful for this Tall Cup releasing fear so timlely and the wedding vow also on the 21.
April 23rd 2020
This tall cup is what my Being has waited for, the heart connection to 2nd charka and small intestine, I felt deep gratitude open in Divine Line. Thank you
April 21st 2020