Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

185. Communication and Grounding Grids TALL Cup [01/10/2022]

185. Communication and Grounding Grids TALL Cup


This session covers..

  • As we go through shifts the vibrations change in you and in the dimensions. There needs to be a recalibration of your communication grids with your guides.
  • Body deva reference your root structure and make sure your roots are balanced in front and behind, expand your root structure in a balanced, harmonic way. Hold your roots in the appropriate layers of all the dimensions where you express yourself.
  • Body deva reconfigure your communication grids with your support teams.
  • Teams reference your vibrations in your divine cosmic loops. Update your communication grids to communicate with you and your body deva.
  • Soul rider and body deva find new layers for upgraded communication lines of energy.
  • Soul riders are experiencing such a rapid increase in vibration it is exhausting and difficult to keep up. Soul rider ground into your divine cosmic loop.
  • Soul rider, body deva, and teams there is so much you have been released, shifting, receiving in other dimensions. It is far beyond the mind.
  • Find appropriate dimensions for each of you to integrate in your own unique way.
  • The critic burns a lot of creative juice in the soul rider and body.
  • Body find a layer that gives you the best connection to the nature kingdom fabric grid.

This session is supportive, empowering, and has 7 to 15 layers, which means you can listen 7 to 15 times if you wish, or just once.

Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing.

Allow for integration in dream time.

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