Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

19. Silky Sweet Soothing TALL Cup [08/27/2012]

This session felt like moving from a dark room of gloom into a light room filled with laughing fairies, or like taking off a burlap shirt and putting on a silky one. A definite palpable shift out of the gloom into the realm of wonder, motivation, and clarity. 

This session is very helpful in releasing a heavy, depressed stuck energy.

  • Release fatigue, depression, lethargy, despair and hopelessness as mechanism for huge downloads.
  • Invite Earth to help you at level of HS, BDHS, to reconfigure your base chakra.
  • Bring in sound to clean base of doubt, fear, impatience, limitation. Tone along.  
  • The Third eye has a multi-dimension component. Balance it's timing components.
  • Body pain - back and neck, headaches.
  • Invite the body to do it's own mid-life review.
  • Manifest goals by bringing them into the appropriate dimension.
  • Increase support from the angelic ones in the higher realms where you are working.

As soon as you place your order you will receive links to listen, watch, and download the session.

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