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28. Mastery Manifesting Mojo TALL Cup [01/07/2013]

This Manifesting Mojo TALL cups session is potent and is being called by the Guides an "elegant" session, full of tools for manifesting your intentions. Become a manifesting master!

Expand the vision and perception, increase support, invite the body deva to awaken and utilize its manifesting capacity, clear the fear as you expand, hold attachment appropriately, use your Soul's mastery for manifesting and increase clarity.

This session is incredibly helpful for increasing clarity, hope, and the ability to really manifest in the world. You can listen to this session up to 5 times if you wish.

Question and Answers MP3 Audio file

Tall Cups: Mastery Manifesting Mojo Session

1. Shift the eyes - Calibrate the perceptual mechanisms to the new higher dimensional light energies.

2. Increase Support - Go back in time and create a supportive light container to assist in integrating higher frequencies of light.

3. Expand - Use the point of expansion intended by your soul to assist in releasing blocks, limitations, fears and frustrations.

4. Increase consciousness of Body - Invite your Body Deva to access the divine blueprint for expansion appropriate to your soul’s purpose and passion. 

5. Coordinate between Higher Self, Body Deva’s Higher Self and Team’s Higher Selves to combine the highest desires of each into an energetic matrix and reflect that down to you for manifestation.

6.  Align your highest vision with Gaia’s (Earth's) highest vision and access the divine template for manifestation.

7.  Bring your commitment and creativity back to flowing only through your divine line.

8. Use the very potent energies of 2013 to move into greater self-confidence and mastery.

9. Release conflicting intentions so that you move into your greatest happiness and highest potential.

10. Calibrate your timing components to access the greater faster flow of the new light energies available now.

11. Spend 2 minutes each day accessing the feelings you will feel when your soul’s desires are manifested. Energetically include the desires of your Body Deva and your team. Hold this vibration internally for 2 minutes each day for 90 days.

12. Activate these energy of these combined desires in your divine line.

13. Protocol for handling  fear:

  • Recognize you are feeling fear.
  • Ask yourself what your soul is intending on mastering through that fear
  • Ask for remedy or solution from your higher self, body deva’s higher self, and team.
  • Activate the remedy in your divine line.
  • Check back in an hour and see if the feeling of fear is gone.

14. Recognize that some fear we feel is not our own. Ask your Higher Self, your Body Deva’s Higher Self and your team to locate fear that is not yours and send it back to its right and perfect place.

15. Release all attachments everywhere. Form an attachment to the place in the higher realms where your desires are already a reality. This acts as an amplifier in the physical dimension.


You can listen to this session as many times as you wish. 
There are many layers. Allow for integration in dream time.

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