Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

29. Clear Fear and Move Forward TALL Cup [01/28/2013]

Clear Fear, Ready, Set, Go. Release the limitations, and bound forward with joy!

  • Clear Fear and Irritation
  • Activate hope in the water element of the pineal gland
  • Release imprisonment using the energy of Jupiter
  • Receive the consciousness of gratitude and trust from Venus
  • Release the self critique and judgment 

The Session covered the following layers...

  • Clear fear, overwhelm, irritation, and frustration by infusing your grounding mechanisms with the sounds of your soul’s essence.
  • Allow the Body Deva to release the fear mechanisms and connect with Gaia to experience trust in the evolutionary process.
  • Receive and allow the support of angelic beings to facilitate your transition to higher consciousness.
  • Call on Gaia to help you move into vibrations of gratitude to keep you in the center of the current of light flowing onto the planet right now.
  • Allow the water element of the pineal gland to receive the frequencies of hope, determination, courage, the consciousness of connection, and the awareness of your soul’s gifts and release lower ancestral and karmic vibrations.
  • Release fear and the self-critic as a clearing mechanism. Embrace the compass of love as your navigation system.
  • Receive the release color and sounds from Jupiter and to release the vibrations of imprisonment. Use discernment to guide yourself as well as the inner vibration of freedom.
  • Receive new templates of trust, love, flow and allowing from Venus.
  • Hold your attachment to your dreams and desires in the higher realms where they are already manifested. Ask your Higher Self to reflect them down to you to manifest in the physical realm.
  • Update your Body Deva’s filters to allow you to perceive other dimensions and access more evolved blueprints for perceiving reality.
  • Update your third chakra to release old control mechanisms and connect to divine self-control mechanisms that allow you to experience connection to higher realms and higher self.
Let the session integrate for about 5 days and if you are still feeling stuck or fearful, come back to it and listen again.
You can listen to this session as many times as you wish. 
There are many layers. Allow for integration in dream time.

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