
7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help heal issues around drama, stress, lack, and issues of support.

Disorientation in a Dimensional Merge - Get Reconnected

A dimensional merge occurs when an energetic veil between the realms dissolves. When this happens our timing and orientation can get slightly disjointed. Missed appointments, bumping into walls, not "seeing" people, seeing things and beings out of the corner of your eye, etc...

Use this cup to come back into the appropriate realm, calibrate your timing, release disorientation, and stop missing appointments. :)

  • Bring your awareness into the present breath of now
  • Energetically locate all realms where awareness is being held
  • Balance, align and calibrate your timing and orientation points
  • Locate all fragments of yourself that have been left in the past and bring them all back into the present moment
  • Tones to ground and clear
May you be filled with focus and ease.

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Comments & Discussion

Had to chuckle about the running into things--after hearing your husband's segment on the news video--sounds like good excuse for your car mishap!:) Thank you, as always, perfect information!
September 17th 2012
Thank you for this! So awesome. Also, thank you for explaining what is going on with the dimensions. I am not a clumsy person but have been bumping into walls etc. Thanks again.
September 17th 2012