Release, Clear, Repair, Recalibrate

7 minute audio meditations to help you release unhealthy patterns and behaviors. Re-pattern yourself with healthy vibrations. Repair and heal.

Radical Release on the Last Day of the Year 2021

The last day of 2021... Phew!

That was a long one!

This last year has challenged many, bringing up issues and challenges to the surface which creates an opportunity to release, clear, heal, and reinvent.

Allow for a deep release which can help you embrace a new cycle with a fresh spark that is curious, courageous, compassionate, and empowered.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Teams to reference all discordant grids and beliefs that have gotten triggered in this last year. 
  • Hold space as some energetic aspect of you references all of these vibrations that have come to the surface for a release.
  • Spin your fields in a counter-clockwise direction releasing the fear, fatigue, weary, anger, shame, the lack, and the pain.
  • Release all discordant empathic sensations
  • Toning and light language to allow for a deep radical release.
  • Spin your fields in a clockwise direction balancing, stabilizing, and retrieving all your resources.
  • Remember that some part of you was born for THIS time of awakening. (Light language translation)
  • Explore the idea that all the chaos in the world is an awakening. (Light language translation)
  • Embrace the wisdom within you and reference a dimension where you are serving in a beautiful and empowered way. (Light language translation)

Use the last day of this year to allow for a radical release.

Happy last day of 2021!

See you next year with fresh potent cups that help you begin a new year with a spark, clarity, joy, and light.

How does this Cup feel for you?

I love your feedback.

(Share in the chat room below)

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Comments & Discussion

Karyn DoveHawk
Happy New Year Aleya 🥳😍
December 31st 2021
The words/sentiments above beautifully express my thoughts & feelings. I am grateful for you & for your "Cups of Consciousness".
December 31st 2021
Wonderful way to end this past year and looking forward to starting this new cycle with beautiful new cups to nourish us with! Xo
December 31st 2021
Thank you for all your support this year Aleya. I deeply appreciate having you in my life. Love 💕 and blessings to you
December 31st 2021
This protocol helps me very much. So much grief . thank you.
December 31st 2021
December 31st 2021
December 31st 2021
Thank you for the great year and the opportunity to grow. I feel wonderful even going through the releases and feel like a lot has been revealed. I am healing deep. Happy New Year!
December 31st 2021
This is like a tall cups powerpack very inclusive and insightful and deep and almost made me cry. You covered all the emotions that I felt this year including shame, guilt, lack, And more. Feel so much better now. This meditation I think I’ll do a few more times it was so much in it. Kind of like this last year LOL! Thank you Aleya
December 31st 2021
Thank you Aleya. I had a rush of release and relief on that one! After started singing "Every little thing gonna be alright." Happy 2022.
December 31st 2021
Looking forward to a new start! Thank you for all your help this past year! Happy New Year!
December 31st 2021
I am so grateful . Many blessings
December 31st 2021