Support and Gratitude

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help you find greater support and security.

Support Matrix

Use this Cup to increase inner support. Use this meditation to find a deeper inner support so that as the old support grids release you can tap into a deeper inner support that can then be reflected in your world. When we move into a new stream of energy there can be a little delay as one support structure falls away and new one comes into being. This Cup can help decrease that delay and create greater support in your life.

  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Team to create a matrix/grid of support in your divine cosmic loop of you, your body, and Team.
  • Hold your awareness in your divine line and feel your inner support.
  • In a higher realm create a reality that is incredibly supportive in a way that supports you as you express your creative current, and embody your wisdom, and mastery.
  • Invite your guides and advisers to hold support inside themselves and increase support for you.
May you increase inner support and reflect that in your life.

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Comments & Discussion

Beautiful music, excellent cup. (favorites)
December 5th 2016
Thank you for today's Cup and the short protocol
December 5th 2016
I have you Light Body Healing CD. This is one of my fave songs on it.
December 5th 2016
December 5th 2016