Timely Meditations, Mercury Retrograde

7 minute audio meditations to help you balance in certain energetic shifts and planetary cycles. Meditations for Mercury Retrograde.

Full Moon, Friday the 13th, and Mercury Retrograde

Talk about a power packed Cup! When I tuned into the energy for this meditation I felt a beautiful expansion of the creative current. As I looked deeper I felt a deep healing happening in the feminine creative current that holds the passion. The full Moon triggers a healing for our masculine motivation energy. We have the opportunity to heal and awaken our passion, power, access greater inspiration, and manifest our intentions using the combination of these three energies.

  • Energetically locate all of your passion, inspiration, motivation that you have ever channeled onto another.
  • Bring all of your passion, inspiration, and motivation back to you at the level of your Higher Self and utilize it fully for you.
  • Send the appropriate energetic information to those you were attempting to help or shift. Model right energy and send them the appropriate information.
  • Tones to help your passion, inspiration, and motivation return.
  • Connect with the energy of the full Moon, the divine feminine, and the deep healing of Mercury Retrograde.
  • Place sacred healing shapes around how you access your creative passion, motivation, and drive.
  • Heal all moments in the past regarding your passionate current.
  • Retrieve all fragments, and activate all spiritual vibrations of past traumas around your passionate creative current.
  • Invite the Ascended Masters to help you heal your creative drive.
  • Light language chant to help you heal your passion flow.
May you be filled with passion, inspiration, and drive as you move through the day, sleep, dream, and play.


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Comments & Discussion

Super powerful! Felt the shift and what a difference!! Haven't been feeling inspired and it's back. Thank you. Blessings to you, Aleya.
June 13th 2014
June 13th 2014
How timely again! It's so liberating to be able to use all energies on myself, not to dissipate them around and feel myself exhausted. Thank you, bless you, Aleya.
June 13th 2014
Once again, your timing is perfect. This using my energy to inspire others has been an interesting lesson of late!
June 13th 2014
I liked this meditation as it showed me I really am no longer trying to change anyone. And my energies are being used on me.
My intent is to model right energy in the world. Thank you for guiding us with your talents and inspiring words . The double singing of light language in this set soothes me. Namaste. Michele
June 13th 2014
WOW.....thank you !!
June 13th 2014
This was the puzzle piece I've been waiting for. You have no idea how grateful I am. Thank you!!!
June 13th 2014