Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Be Gentle with Yourself

For the next few weeks be very gentle with yourself. Levels of awareness are increasing.  As you become more aware the self-critique can get louder.  This Cup is all about being gentle and tender with yourself.  It is particularly helpful during times of release and when the veils are thin between the realms which increases your awareness and sensitivity.  The more tender and gentle you are with yourself the more gently and deeply you will release.  You will also experience less overwhelm and stress.

  • Take a few deep breaths and gather all of your energy and awareness into this present breath of now.
  • Invite your the Higher Self of you, your body, and Team to bring all of your awareness into your individual divine lines.
  • As you hold your awareness in this divine line activate the sacred geometric shapes and sounds of gentleness, tenderness, grace, and ease.
  • Take a moment to imagine these sacred shapes spinning around you. Energetically listen and visualize to the sounds and light of gentleness encompassing you.
  • Activate the vibration of gentleness, tenderness, and grace in your divine cosmic loop.
  • Locate another dimension where you can connect with your spiritual family, guides, and advisers from a place of love and light. 
  • Invite them to encircle you and to hold you in a gentle loving embrace as we tone.
  • Take a moment to imagine some energetic aspect of you, your body, and Team all being held in a gentle loving space. 

In every breath may you cultivate a deeper tenderness and gentleness inside yourself and model that in the world.


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So helpful thank you so much Aleya
August 25th 2020