Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Clear the Anger and Calibrate to the Big Waves

If you are feeling a pinch angry or irritated use this short but potent meditation to dissolve the discordant energy. Locate waves of transformation and calibrate yourself so you can move from a place of grace and ease instead of feeling discord. As I was half way through recording this meditation I saw that we are using anger or irritation as a way to buffer ourselves from discordant energy. Instead of using the edge, just calibrate and the irritation goes away in a heart beat. Listen to this one from your energetic self instead of your mind.

  • Energetically locate the sound that is causing irritation.
  • Locate the waves of transformation that are coning onto the planet.
  • Calibrate to these waves.

May you flow with grace and ease as you calibrate to the waves.


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