Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Release Your Mother's Issues

Ride the wave and let go of the issues and limitations with these Cups.

Use this first Cup to attain a more focused angle to help clear any issues you might be holding for your mother. Often the most loving thing we can do is to return the issues that are not ours. When you do not hold your mom's issues you will be less reactive, more compassionate, and patient with your mom (regardless of the dimension she is in). Use this sweet, short, and to the point cup to return what does not belong to you. The veils are thin and it is a perfect time to release and increase inner clarity and connection to that divine and perfect part of you.

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line in the present breath of now.
  • Locate all discordant emotions and energy that your mother has projected onto you or that you are holding for your mother.
  • As you locate this energy send all of these projections, issues, emotions, and karma back to your Mother where she has the capacity to receive your own issues.
  • Send appropriate information to her where she can receive it.
  • Return all responsibilities that you are holding for your mother back to her.
  • Lift your gifts, wisdom, and mastery off your mother and hold them on you. Model that energy to her as you hold it on yourself.
  • Lift your moms protection mechanisms off you. Bring your own protection mechanisms that work for you.
  • Update all your reference points.
  • Wrap yourself in sheets of rainbow light.
  • Let it be so. Aho (in the heart you are home)
May you gently and gracefully return your mothers issues back to her and model the solution.


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Comments & Discussion

Sometimes I only see the first recording and don't see the other ones but today I did all three. I loved loved loved the last one especially today. It embodies so much and modeled so much energy that aligns with where I am now and I am so grateful to you for modeling what you do. I think I'll listen to the third one all day today -- it was wonderful.
May 5th 2016
Becky Ishantara
WOW! the third one was like being filled with a liquid golden smooth light ~ smoothing out all of me into a peaceful clarity and calm! The Toning was over-the-top beautiful! Thank you 💕
May 5th 2016
Very nice and helpful.
May 5th 2016
Wow! Glad I listened to all three!!
May 5th 2016
This really worked for me today! Big release! Thank you!
May 5th 2016