Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

172. Own Your Light Zone TALL Cup [04/12/2021]

April 12, 2021

A great session to do at the time of the new Moon.

Support, Release Struggle, Increase Clarity, Connect with Guides

This session covers..

  • Heal crystalline structures in and around the base chakra.
  • Determine the sounds and light and energetic codes for the base chakra to align it
  • Receive information from the angelic realm to release any cording in the base chakra that are discordant, hold you back, and are not supporting you.
  • Calibrate base chakra and ears to ground into a harmonic dimension and supports forward momentum
  • Clear the crystalline structures around your crown chakra and align to the divine spark of your essence
  • Reference a dimension where you are safe and supported, inspired, guided (whatever body deva is wanting) to link base chakra, feet and roots into.
  • Reference another dimension of stillness to pause before you begin a new season.
  • Move into the rhythms of the new light streaming onto the planet. Time to release suffering grids and mechanisms now.
  • Let life be easy and elegant! 
  • Move into slow and steady evolution
  • Retrieve spiritual power from past gurus
  • Snuggle into terrain that supports you and your body deva
  • Reference responsibility for your evolution given away. Retrieve that responsibility for your evolution and hold it vertically. Move back into your power. 
  • Embrace your wisdom and mastery more. Fill up with essence. You are supported by the light that flows within you.  

This session is supportive, empowering, and has 12 layers, which means you can listen 12 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.

Feel free to share your feedback on my Facebook page and in the comment section below.

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