Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

213. Tipping Point to a Harmonic Path of Light TALL Cup [08/21/2023]

This session covers..

TALL Cups Bullets

August 21, 2023

  • Purification releases old discordant energy. 
  • Reference sacred power centers on this planet you are working with. Bring in more support for yourself in those dimensions and using the physical to bring your energy and awareness into harmonic dimensions. 
  • Avoid entanglement with the dissonance that is being released.
  • Requesting all sacred centers on this planet are held in love and light by beings holding connection with Oneness.
  • Soul rider, body and teams make requests for beings in other dimensions to hold safety, protection, balance and clean light. 
  • The planet is tipping into the light.
  • Assist the body during this tipping into the light. Reference your etheric microbes in your entire system. Use your body’s higher self and all mechanisms that work for you to bring the frequencies you need to repair all the crystalline structures surrounding your microbes in every system. 
  • Align with the sound of your body’s essence. Some part of you knows how.
  • Pulse from a place of health, balance and vitality in alignment with your essence.
  • Each endocrine system is unique. 
  • Balance the etheric endocrine system. 
  • Reference the blueprint of the dimensional reality that holds vitality and health, and  self-love 
  • Tip into the light and use it to build new energetic structures that support unity awareness and the world of enough
  • Reactivity is an indicator that your energetic receptors are full with past trauma. 
  • Reference your receptors. Bring in frequencies to cleanse these receptors. 
  • Weave empowered filters for your receptors that perceive divine connection and the enough
  • Repair and strengthen your tunnel of light, body deva

This session is supportive, empowering, and has 12 layers, which means you can listen 12 times if you wish, or just once.

Your desires and intuition are your best guide.

Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing.

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Comments & Discussion

Aleya, not sure if you're still going to be notified about this post a couple of weeks later but I felt like mentioning that the week after the tall cups I was visited by the blue light collective and they were showing me how I was doing grid work on the crystal grid of ley lines at this time, which was beautiful. And they have been back since..Just as a side note I originally heard you talk about Sirius on somewhere, which I right away resonated with in regards to referencing that as home. And that had me look up your work ;) Much love, Isabel
September 2nd 2023
Beautiful session thank you Aleya! Also for explaining the tunnel of light more ! Much love đź’–
August 25th 2023
Hi Aleya, The links to Box Net went to your page not Box Net? The cleaning of receptors very needed, tears of relief, also notice some 'attach and desire' wanted to stay where the work is. A challenge for me is to stay in harmonic dimension. Thankyou. Lorraine
August 23rd 2023
Hi Aleya! What was the mantra you said to use every day for next 2 months …? I can’t read my notes but something like: use your energetic Higher Self to hold all your fields in harmonic dimensions” or something g to that effect. I thought you might have recorded it, but I didn’t see an individual file. Thank you if you can remember! 💜
August 22nd 2023