Family, Parents, Ancestors

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help release ancestral blocks and issues that are not yours.
Return bundles of challenges to those on the other side or those who are about to go over to the other side
This Cup is an energetic protocol to help you return bundles that your ancestors or those on the other side...
$3.00 USD
Sit in Your Power - Clean and Strengthen the Base Chakra
Use this deep, potent Cup to sit in your power. The more you retrieve and embrace your power the more supported...
$3.00 USD
Release Your Parents' Pain and Challenges
Release any parental bundles and challenges with this Cup.  This Cup is perfect to use during the holidays which can often...
$1.50 USD
Increase Self-love and Self-worth
This Cup is all about love.  The more love you hold for your inner light the more gentle life will be,...
$1.50 USD
Hold a Gracious Heart Energy with Everyone in Your Life
Use this Cup to shift how you hold yourself in your heart center with everyone in your life, especially those...
$3.00 USD
Return Challenges the Belong to Others Who Are Now On the Other Side
Happy Halloween. Also known as Hallows Eve. Which was originally celebrated by the Pagan religion honoring the day when the veils...
$3.00 USD
Release Ancestral Trauma and Challenges
Today is a perfect time to clear any blocks that you might be holding that are limiting you. Use today's protocol...
$3.00 USD
Shift the Vibration of a Limiting Belief
As you embrace the year of 2024 - day 3 use today's cup to shift a belief system that you...
$3.00 USD
Lift Your Reference Points for Your Spiritiual Family Off Your Biological Family
Use today's fresh cup (recorded yesterday) to resolve any disappointment you might have with your biological family. Explore the idea that... You...
$3.00 USD
Heal the Past While Mercury Is Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde is a powerful time to heal the past so that you can move on. When you heal the past,...
$3.00 USD
Send Information to Disincarnated Souls with the Thin Veils
We are now in the "ghosty" time of year. This time of the year can be a little bit spooky or...
$3.00 USD
Cultivate More Kindness In Your Heart
While in the midst of the holiday season use today's cup to cultivate an even kinder more gracious heart. This cup...
$3.00 USD
Receive Information From A Love One On the Other Side
The holidays are a time when you may think of those on the other side more. Use the energy today to...
$3.00 USD