The Empowered Empath Course

A 7 hour course for mastering empathic sensitivity. Powerful tools to help you clear empathic sensations quickly. Specific practices and concepts that empower the empath, healer, teacher, parent, and partner.

The Empowered Empath Course

Become An Empowered Empath
Get access to 7 hours of material.
6 recorded classes audio and video.
Tools to help you become an empowered empath.
5 pillars with the how and the practices to shift your energetic inner stance with empathic sensitivity.
More about the course...
  • All the layers of empathic sensitivity.
  • Why you are empathic.
  • Discover what your empathic Achilles heel is.
  • Learn the steps to clear physical, emotional, ancestral, and behavioral empathic challenges.
  • Increase awareness and discernment.
  • Hold healthy boundaries.
  • Increase abundance in all areas of your life. (Did you know that challenges with manifesting resources can often be empathic.)
  • Develop a stronger sense of self worth. (Get rid of the self critique.)
  • Find freedom, peace, and calm 
If you are an empath, or …
Have empathic sensitivity, or…
Are otherwise a highly sensitive person (HSP)
This course is for you.
For many years I struggled with empathic sensitivity...
It was overwhelming, paralyzing, emotionally exhausting, and so confusing.
In my struggle...
I was determined to find a powerful effective process to release the empathic challenges, pain, and behavior.
Now after a decade of research, study, and trials... 
I have found the solution, and want to share it with you!
It is so simple and elegant...
So effective and powerful...

This is an amazing class!



This course is recorded and if you choose to purchase it you will have access to the entire course in your library on

You can also download all of the files if you do not have internet.

There are a lot of files so make sure you have enough space on your computer or download it to an external hard drive.


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The Empowered Empath Course