Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Mercury Retrograde - Release and Reweave Sip

At the time of Mercure retrograde, give yourself permission to pull into your inner cave. This is a time to rest, reflect, and release. This Cup is a Sip and a protocol to allow for the deep retreat and reflection. Ponder how you wish to move in the world. Where do you want to focus your creative energy? How do you want to stream your creative energy? Reconfigure as you retreat, ponder, and then reengage from a more empowered supported place.


The second potion of this first cup is a protocol to help your body retreat, recharge, release, and reinvent.

  • Hold space for your body to locate a dimensional space that is safe, where it can retreat, rest, release, and reinvent itself.
  • Invite your body to gently clean, clear, and release old ways of being that is not supportive.
  • Invite your body to spin it's energetic fields in a counterclockwise direction to release.
  • Reweave a new fabric that supports your body.
  • Invite your Higher Self to release and reweave.

May you retreat, release, and reweave in a gentle supportive way.

The song at the end of this Cup is from the In Stillness album.



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Comments & Discussion

Ah the first on is my favorite today, thanks!
March 23rd 2018
March 23rd 2018
Thank you, Aleya. These are just what I needed right now. The songs at the end are exquisite. Bless you.
March 23rd 2018
These are wonderful ! Thank you :)
March 23rd 2018
Your work is comforting especially during this Mercury Retrograde. I feel my body working overtime rewearing my grids as I experience it as a warm heat from within
March 23rd 2018