Insomnia, Sleep, Dream Time

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help restful sleep. Release insomnia. Heal in dream time.
Deeply Rest Between Incarnations - Release the Weary
This Cup is a protocol that I recorded in one of the energetic group support sessions.  It is a powerful protocol...
$3.00 USD
Receive Information From A Love One On the Other Side
Use the thin veils this week to connect with a loved one who is in another dimension. When the veils are...
$3.00 USD
Clean Liver, Clear Eyes, Strengthen Tendons, Calm Emotions
Use this Cup to clean your liver. When your liver is happy you will feel a greater current of flow, grace,...
$3.00 USD
Empowered Conscious Empathic Dreaming
Use this Cup to help you use your dreamtime to hold a more empowered stance as you dream and work...
$3.00 USD
Clean, Balance, and Strengthen the Blood
Use this Cup to help balance, clean, and strengthen your vascular system. When your blood is clean your thoughts will be...
$3.00 USD
Go Deep Within and Integrate
A perfect Cup to allow for a deep integration to use after energetic shifts. As you experience an amplification of your...
$3.00 USD
Ride Your Silky Supportive Moon Stream
Happy New Moon. Ride Your Moon Light Stream with this light language activation...Use the new lunar cycle to weave a silky,...
$3.00 USD
Body Reset Timing in Stillness
This Cup is luscious. (How does it feel for you?) Use it and take time to hold space for your body...
$3.00 USD
Use Dreamtime to Heal, Reconnect, and Remember Your Essence
This Cup is a bedtime cup. Listen right before bed or when you are in bed about to fall asleep. This cup...
$3.00 USD
Balance the Brain
As you integrate and process energetic downloads and deep inner shifts use today's fresh cup (recorded yesterday) to balance your...
$3.00 USD
Sleep Deeply and Restore
Before and after a full Moon sleep can be topsy turvy. Use today's Cup.. tonight or in the wee hours of...
$3.00 USD
Balanced Deep Sleep
If sleep has been hard to come by lately... Use today's Cup to find greater balance and calm, release stress, and...
$3.00 USD
Do Your Work Consciously in the Higher Realms So You Can Sleep Deeply at Night
When the veils are thin, you may be more sensitive and aware of the work you are doing in the...
$3.00 USD
Go Deep Into Your River of Light
Use today's fresh cup that I recorded yesterday to use your breath, intent, and the energy streaming onto the planet...
$3.00 USD
Sleep In Stillness and Reset
You might have had restless sleep the last few nights. Use this first cup to reset in stillness while you sleep. If...
$3.00 USD